March 2024
We can’t always be home, but designing your home with technology so you can monitor it from afar is a great way of having peace of mind.
Many of our clients are seasonal residents so their homes are vacant off and on throughout the year. I often recommend installing monitoring systems so they can check on their home when they are away. Good home design includes more than pretty spaces. Your home should provide you with security and peace of mind both when you are there and away.
With today's technologies, you can schedule lights to come on and off so it always looks like someone is there. Monitor heating & cooling systems, install cameras to see who may be popping in unexpectedly, and play with your window shades from within the home or while you are away from your phone.
Top Reasons for Home Technology
Home Assistance (Alexia)
Heating & Cooling monitoring & adjusting
Kitchen Assistance
Peace of mind.
Does your home need a little upgrade? Remodeling projects are a great time to install this technology to bring you the peace of mind you deserve.